Cost of Printing ?
In the software choose the “print preview”-option. This will calculate the total weight of material used, including the raft and any support material. The cost has as formula :
Weight of the model x ( Cost of the used spool / 700gr. )
How fast it is ?
Parameters like resolution, support material and raft influence speed greatly. The software provides a time estimate before printing.
Do I need 3D software ?
The model needs to be disgned in a CAD program like Solidworks, SketchUP, Sculptris, Blender to create a STL-file, which has to be imported in the Afinia-software.
How to remove the support material ?
The support material is attached to the model at “pinpoints”, so it can easily by removed with the tools provided with the systems. Support material is the same as the Base material.
How to set up.
A set-up video is provided with the system. A calibration ( utility in the software ) of the print head ( nozzle ) must be done prior to printing.
Set-up time is less the 30 minutes !
Can I print in multiple colors ?
Only by changing the filament, as only one ( 1 ) nozzle is used. A “pause-printing” option is available in the software.
Where can I find a 3D file (an .stl) to print on my machine?
You can do one of two things:
- Find a file online from the web ( GrabCAD ).
- Create a 3D file yourself with a CAD program. You can do it for free with programs like Sketchup, TinkerCAD, or 123D Design.
Once I have an .stl file, how do I prepare it for printing?
First, you need to slice the part into layers by using one of a few free types of slicing software. If you own an Afinia H-Series, you don’t need separate slicing software, since the Afinia software does everything for you. For the other printers, you need a program like Slic3r.
What's the point of having two extruders?
For doing two things:
- Printing with two different colors of plastic. You can get great-looking results with this technique.
- Have one nozzle printing support material (like PVA) while the other prints PLA or ABS. With this technique, you can print any object, no matter how large the overhangs are ( it requires cleanup at the end of the print).
The great thing about PVA is that it’s water soluble, which means you can throw your part into a warm water bath once it’s done to dissolve the support away.
PLA: Biodegradable, corn-based plastic. Prints at ~180°C, and doesn’t warp, so you can print big things without a heated bed. Practically not used in the industry !
ABS: Not biodegradable, but stronger than PLA (same material Lego bricks are made out of). Prints at 220-260°C, and will warp, so a heated bed is needed.
If the user is getting warping problems, either the bed isn’t hot enough, or the Z-axis isn’t calibrated properly. The bed should be at least 80°C. More durable than PLA